The Transformative Leadership for Change Consulting Team

Thank you to our founding design team of directors and consultants who helped launch TLC: Carla Castedo, Cesiah Guadarrama, Davian Gagne, Desirae Salazar-Sarabia, Elena Nuñez, Felicia Griffin, Lizeth Chacon, Maria de Cambra, Mike Kromrey, Neha Mahajan, Renee Fazzari, and Robin Katcher. 

Taij Kumarie Moteelall

Artist | Activist | Social Entrepreneur

Born in Guyana and raised largely in the Bronx, NY, Taij Kumarie Moteelall is an Indo-Caribbean artist, activist and entrepreneur. She founded Standing in Our Power (SiOP), a network of cis and transgender women of color, and gender non-conforming folks of color, committed to co-creating a new story of holistic transformation, sustainability and wellness. She launched Media Sutra as a vehicle for self-determination, and supports clients to infuse their work with breakthrough strategies that allows them to be more visible, sustainable and impactful.

Taij has written and performed nationally and internationally, raised millions of dollars for social service and social justice organizations, established new organizations, transformed existing organizations, and supported leaders as a facilitator and coach. As the Director of Programs for Spirit in Action, she helped to revamp the organization’s mission, vision and theory of change, while supporting national networks to advance progressive communications, democratic education and transformative leadership. As the Executive Director of Resource Generation, Taij built an inclusive and sustainable organization while supporting young people with wealth to contribute millions of dollars to social movements. At East Harlem Tutorial Program she helped to more than double the agency’s budget, the number of young people served and the number of local sites where programming was offered. Taij is also a steering committee member of Jahajee Sisters, a movement building organization that organizes Indo-Caribbean women for gender justice.

Diana Marie Lee is an elder healing woman whose roots are African American and Cherokee Nation, from Tahlequah and Muskogee, Oklahoma. Diana has worked for over 26 years building the capacity of leaders and groups serving vulnerable communities including immigrants and refugees, youth, elders, labor activists, farmers, poor and low income, people with special health care needs and communities of color. A certified B Corp since 2012, Diana’s business Sweet Livity LLC delivers wellness and business coaching to support individuals and groups serving vulnerable communities to do their jobs to the fullest, with improved well-being, sustainability and results.

Diana’s commitment: help people and groups serve their communities with equity, excellence, purpose, aliveness and fun. In service of this commitment, Diana supports her clients to work in diverse cultural contexts so that everyone, regardless of identity and background, can fully engage in the organizational or community work with their whole, authentic powerful self. Diana has served as a core leader, coach and facilitator with Standing in our Power for the past five years. In this role, she loves helping leaders reclaim self-care and community care as cultural practices that support more effective leadership, collaboration and collective impact.

Diane Marie Lee

Founder and Principal of Sweet Livity LLC
Core Leader at Standing in Our Power