2019 Call for Fellows! Looking for Emerging Leaders of Color!
The Transformative Leadership for Change Fellowship (TLC) is designed & led by people of color leading social justice and movement building organizations. TLC resides at the intersection of three core principles: transformative practice, ecosystem analysis, and racial justice. We believe that the interplay between these principles will holistically build leaders’ individual capacity, while also over time become the foundation of Colorado’s social justice ecosystem and framework. These principles influence the framing of TLC as a fellowship – not a leadership development program. Strong leaders of color are already here, developed and working in the landscape. The fellowship raises their profile, builds their network of powerful peers, funders, and political actors. It is seeding transformation for the entire Colorado social justice ecosystem.
The 2019 cohort will be made up of 15-20 leaders of color who serve in one of the following roles: 1) Deputy Directors/Organizing Directors 2) Program Manager, Policy Director, Project Manager, Manager, or other senior leadership that are in a position directly below the executive director of an organization and manages a project, program, and supervises staff.
“I personally have found ways to embody my own power that feel good to me. I have brought in more money (a lot) to my organization. I have created alliances that could be game changers for my field. I can see internally where I get scared of my own authentic brilliance, where I have played small, and I can see how I cannot continue to serve my communities in the way that they deserve if I continue to move in that way. I know for myself, I can never be the person or the way I was before the TLC, and I am only half way through the year. Seeing myself reflected in the power, the humanity, the sheer caliber of leadership in my peers in the circle has shifted everything for me.” Kristiana Huitrón, Executive Director, Voces Unidas for Justice